ARDAP GREEN Active Powder is a non-chemical pest control product for use against crawling insects, mites, bird mites, fleas, ticks, ants, woodlice, silverfish, cockroaches, bed bugs, etc. in gardens, warehouses, stables, cellars and living areas.
The active ingredient in ARDAP GREEN Active Powder is diatomaceous earth (also called diatomaceous earth) - a powdery substance made from the shells of fossil diatoms (diatoms), which consist mostly of silicon dioxide and have a very porous structure. The ARDAP GREEN active powder leads to the dissolution of cuticle chains and dehydration of the insects. The pests die within a short time after contact with the powder. At low temperatures or with increased humidity, the effect may be delayed by 1 - 2 days.
Directions: Apply a thin layer of ARDAP GREEN Active Powder evenly to surfaces, walkways, hiding places (nests, cracks, joints, etc.) and their surroundings infested with pests. Application rate 30-50 g/m2. No waiting time required. ARDAP GREEN powder can be applied dry in powder form or dissolved in water.
When dissolved in water, the mixing ratio is 1:5 (= 20%). Liquid application avoids dust formation during application and improves adhesion. After drying, a fine, effective dust coating results on the sprayed surfaces. The coating works reliably even in high humidity and, if necessary, can be vacuumed or washed off after pest control is complete.
For ornamental birds ARDAP GREEN Active Powder can also be added to the water bath or sand bath. Pests such as the red bird mite, but also crawling vermin such as isopods, ants and other pests dust themselves as a result of their own activity, or are dusted during application.
Ingredients: Silicon dioxide/dieselguhr 1,000 g/kg (CAS 61790-53-2)
Biocide Registration No. N-68795
PZN 13970639
UFI M300-P0FG-K00E-G91C
Use biocidal products safely. Always read label and product information before use.